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Pair 17 - Margaret KLASSEN / Eva SAMUEL
Place this match: 4
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score   X-Imps   
Board 198: Christophe LEACH / John ADAMS4S WDA10620 8.75 M
Board 208: Christophe LEACH / John ADAMS2H ND59-140 -1.38 M
Board 218: Christophe LEACH / John ADAMS2D EDQ9110 3.00 M
Board 228: Christophe LEACH / John ADAMS3NT WD610630 1.25 M
Board 238: Christophe LEACH / John ADAMS3NT WHT10630 -0.38 M
Board 248: Christophe LEACH / John ADAMS2S WC410170 0.13 M
Board 258: Christophe LEACH / John ADAMS3NT WH39600 10.63 M
Board 268: Christophe LEACH / John ADAMS2D SSK10-130 -4.00 M
Board 278: Christophe LEACH / John ADAMS3D WCQ8-50 0.13 M

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